Monday, May 11, 2009

Day 1; May 11th, 2009

Hello Bloggers, my name is Laynee.
I am a typical teenager, I get acne, I get into trouble
I do everything a "typical" teenager does.
I like to party and yet I like to go to church, who knew?
I am a party type of girl but I'm also a "bible thumper" lol.
I am mysterious, yet very out-spoken
I believe in the saying "everything happens for a reason",
not everybody has to believe that quote, but I do.
Their are many things that happen in life, but If they don't..
Oh well just move on! :)
Now that you know a little bit about me, I will start Day 1.

Day 1 Blog:
First off I go to a pretty decent school, LCHS!
And today I'm not to impressed because people I really don't
like are here for track and field, some people I like to call
the "grade 8 devils". Their not really devil's but I like to believe
that they are! They have done nothing good to/for me, so
whatever. Last year lets say felt like what some people like to
call "hell". I was teased and hurt by the younger people in
Middle School, yet I was at the top of the school so why did
I care so much? I guess I have lots of inner problems,
I wasn't treated right by my biological dad when I was younger,
let's just leave it at that. Words hurt me a million more times
then a punch to the face, I'd rather take a pinch in the arm any day
rather then be called mean names.

But I guess on the other hand! 5 more days until I get to go
to the lake with my family and boyfriend; so I'm rather excited
for that. But something I'm MORE excited for is YC (youth
conference) with is on the 22nd of May! It's something all the
youth groups in Canada get ready for each year, we all go to a
trip to Edmonton and stay their for the weekend and go to
Rexall and watch real live FAMOUS bands play Christian songs,
and then after we do prayer and songs they do REAL songs from
their OWN music! It's so much fun and it's really exciting!
I can't wait, these next two weekends are going to be sooooo much
fun! I don't get to do stuff like that very often so when opportunity
knocks, I come running to the door!

Well bloggers, I guess I'm going to peace out because we have to go
watch the Middle school kids do track and field, yyaaawwwwn!
Weeell, at least I get to watch it with my best friend in the entire
world but better known as a sister! ;) Stephanie!! :)

Bye bye until later! ;)

Signed Laynee;

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